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Coalition Update: Massachusetts Authorizes $500,000 for Menstrual Products in Shelters

Dear MME Coalition,

On Wednesday we were on the verge of sending an exciting update regarding funding for menstrual products, and the success of the Georgia Senate races (#ThankYouBlackOrganizers!), then like everyone across the country and around the world, we became glued to the news. All we could do was hold our breaths while we watched a coup attempt by white supremacist domestic terrorists at the capitol building. While we all navigate the tension and anxiety of the last weeks of the Trump presidency, we hope you feel inspired and empowered from the successful grassroots efforts we have witnessed from Georgia and our very own coalition!

I believe this is the first time Massachusetts has passed period policy ever. This is huge! To everyone who called your legislator, emailed your legislator, shared an action alert, donated period products, invited a friend to a consciousness raising or any period event - you did this! Please join us in sharing this exciting news on social media (Instagram, Twitter & Facebook)!

Many of you have met her over the last couple of years, but for those of you who haven't; I'd like to introduce you all to Bria Gambrell, Mass NOW's new Co Director! We're looking forward to meeting you at our next coalition meeting, now scheduled for Friday, January 22nd at 12PM. Stay tuned for more updates about the Economic Dev Bond Bill money, refiling the I AM bill and growing our coalition, soon! We hope wherever you are you are staying safe and well surrounded by community you love.

Warmly, Sasha Goodfriend, she/her/hers

Mass NOW Co Director

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